It would have been a privilege to serve in the Israel Army. Israel is a nation that puts its national interest above everything and without flinching at the face of criticism or world opinion.
The recent attack over the kidnapping of a soldier was something a soldier would have wished his country would do for him. Certain people might say the kidnapping was blown out of proportion just to be used as an excuse so that the Israeli army may launch its attacks. This view could perhaps be true to an extent. Nevertheless the nation stood up for a irrelevant piddly soldier and that counts for people who wear uniforms and endure hardships and sacrifices for the integrity and honour of the country. Assuming Israel had not attacked even then it at least raised a hue and cry. Compare it to nations of south Asia, where life is dearth cheap and the life of that of a soldier has no value and is cannon fodder only.
When would India be like that?
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