Friday, April 14, 2006


By Seikholen Thomsong

Not so long ago, I regaled readers of the website with stories of the Bloghead. The dodo never learnt and kept on giving us more funny stories to narrate. For those who came in late, Bloghead is one who is "a blogger who feels he is the coolest and smartest guy in this whole wide world but is actually a Jumbo Dumbo (as in BLOCKHEAD)". His travels and travails would often make people realize what a fool he is though it always usually is oblivious to him. He would never accept that fact. Even you wouldn’t, I know. That is how most of us are, though we actually might be fools, we consider ourselves so very wise.

Well times have changed. The admin of moved on to Hyderabad with family friends and all belonging (is the pet included?). Naidu would have been pleased Cyberabad is growing by leaps and bounds. Two more have increased the population of IT workers there. Meanwhile, Bloghead remained in Delhi. He broke his leg in October last and spent a few months in the hospital. He was finally discarded from the madhouse. He now wears a plastic brace and hops around town, mad at the world. Ennui ate into his soul and he became a recluse once again and opened a new blog under the same heading but at a new address.

Well, some other things are addictive as well and its not only opium or a religion as some marxists would have believe it. Seeing your name daily in print when you have some thing to share with others is also addictive.To see your own byline in some newspaper or some magazine is so intoxicating that more and more people are becoming hacks or scribes or what you may call them. Every new page in every new website is either a blog or a webpage or an online journal where self professed writers bare their soul and some, their prejudices.

A writer I knew once said, “Look I have accomplished what I wanted to among this people and my name has been written in gold. That about sums it all up how our egoes are easily riled or so easily calmed. It is the ego stupid that makes you go and on.

It is the "I" world where all the things we do start with it. Nothing is more precious than the "I". I this I that and I forever. Nothing else or no one else matters for all we care about is us. Funny how we lose ourselves in our own sense of importance. Blind as we may be we would hate the person who would come and point out our foolishness our stupidity. Let us all go on sleeping, wake not friends and do not wake me up as well.

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