Thursday, April 06, 2006

Conquering the fear of Death

All of us big or small live with one constant fear through out our lives, that is the fear of death.Even heroes we can safely vouch have this fear at one point of time. The love of one's own life is a universal thing.

Thus, some people who are unfortunate enough to know beforehand that they are dying would have a tough time fighting the mortal dread.One can only wonder the thoughts that would be going on in their minds.

Art Buchwald, the pulitzer winning columnist and political satirist became one of the few people who despite the fact of knowing of their impending death gather enough courage to face it with a smile.

He refused to continue with blood cleansing treatments, which could have prolonged his life. He claims that he is not afraid and in fact is looking forward to it.

Many of us would have been depressed and would have chosen to shorten the span of time left with us had we been in his shoes. It is indeed telling on the moral courage of the man to carry on with a smile knowing it would come sooner than later.

None can conquer death however it takes courage to conquer the fear of death. Buchwald has just shown us the benefits of conquering this fear.

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