Sunday, April 26, 2009

Opportunity Comes Once

Let us philosophize today. When I write something in my blog I don’t always refer to myself. Now, I bet all my friends will agree that, in life, opportunity knocks just once. Whether it is in our profession or in our personal life, we come across them fleetingly. It depends on how well we read the situation and derived something good for ourselves. It may be related to career, the girl or the guy we date, a business lead which we need to convert or something of that ilk. I may be wrong, but I feel people who have made it big are the ones who knew opportunities would come knocking at their doors and thus anticipate it well and prepare themselves for it. Because,sometime when we look at people who have made it or achieved better success than us, some of us would feel or even know that we are actually better than some of those people. But why have we not reached there as well. Perhaps we lost the opportunity to do so. Or else, what would explain two people of the same mettle, one of them rising in life while the other falling by the wayside!

I, for one, am a firm believer in destiny (not talking about religion right now) so I feel there are certain things that fate has destined for all of us. Nevertheless, like I said, I believe that how our lives and careers take shape is how well we anticipate what destiny is going to throw in our paths. Else, why would some of us have short career spans or ruinous personal lives despite the fact that we are equally good as others or even better than most in our profession or in our personal life?

At workplace some years ago, I once knew a certain colleague. This colleague of mine had an MBA degree, was very smart, knowledgeable and also well cued up on things professional. I personally felt he had a rocking future ahead. Well, his career path did not turn out the way it should have. Nobody can actually pinpoint where things had gone wrong. Somehow I believed he failed to read his destiny or that he failed to anticipate it. Thus there were little things during the course of his career and duty which he didn’t pay attention to and therefore lost opportunities where he could have turned hurdles into personal success or achievements or used those instances to highlight to the world what mettle he actually was made of. I respected his educational background, the degrees he had accumulated and even the experiences he had gathered from different organizations. But somehow I felt bad for him because he had allowed so many chances to slip from between his grip. And one sadder thing was that he wouldn’t listen to anyone. I might be mistaken but perhaps his knowledge and his educational qualifications went to his head thereby making him feel that nobody was well qualified enough to give him hints, suggestions or advices.

So, here we arrived at the conclusion that no matter what our brains can achieve there is something beyond that. You would find that lots of organizations or people at the helm of affairs give priority or precedence to emotional intelligence these days. Maybe or maybe not my colleague lacked that, despite shining in his educational background. I would not harp on emotional intelligence today. So what I deduce is that he just let opportunities pass by or failed to recognize them as he was so lost in his self satisfaction derived from the fact that where educational background was concerned, nobody came close to him at least in his immediate vicinity.

Therefore, let us remind ourselves that it is a rat race out there. Need we say something more?

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