Sunday, April 12, 2009

Shoes and We Indians

Shoes apart from their basic purpose of protecting the feet have many other uses.We Indians have demonstrated to the world.

Here, we make garlands and hang them around the necks of people who invite our wrath. We beat thieves, rapists or molesters with shoes and chappals. Or we hurl them at people if we are unable to reach them directly. Me thought only the above different kinds of people were given the shoe treatment but of late VVIPs have also not been spared.

Sooner than later, we no longer would need all those state of the art surface to air/surface missiles, anti aircraft guns, artillery guns that our defense forces used to keep on praying to govts for.

We will soon have some new Govt instructing the DRDO to develop self projecting, pilotless lethal uranium coated shoes that we can bombard our enemies with.

And what a satisfaction it would be,as those lethal shoes will not only kill our enemies but demonstrate our contempt.

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