Sunday, April 30, 2006

Manic Mondays

By Seikholen Thomsong

Sunday is almost over now.Even before I knew it monday would be in again. I hate mondays.Period!
I love saturdays and sundays for the fact that you can laze around, sip your beer, listen to music or go out with friends. Not that I am religious, I feel bad when I miss out on going to church. Lately I had undergone so much change that Iam no longer that guy who loved connecting to people. I know its not going to last and for some more weeks let let me be alone. I need to sort out certain things.
One Eyed Jack - that is the name I have given to my recent Boss- would be there in his lair waiting to pounce on us minions. I got ticked off for a 'Civilian Hairstyle' the other day. Iam some one not fussy about minor things in life, so it was kind of funny. I mean a person of his seniority, occupying that chair, need not worry himself with some one's hairdo. Did he know that I perhaps didn't find time to pay my hairdresser a visit. Well people are people. Let them be!
Of late, the thought of settling down has struck my mind. It feels like things would change totally if I tie the knot. Because I have seen people tying themselves up in knots when they thought they were tying the knots with someone they love. I somehow do not see the neccessity to do it. You may find it funny but Iam one those who feel marriage is not neccessary to legitimise the love you have with someone. Because I have seen that people can seldom be true through out their lives. Funny! But my argument is that there is no point in being husband and wife with someone then continue living your individual lives on the sides. There would be no space for truth and honesty. I dont believe in a marriage where the husband or the wife sleep with whomsoever they wished to. I mean if you do not need each other for that go your separate ways. It would be game where one is trying to prove smarter than the other. And me being me, would get insane if someone try to make a fool of me.
The truth may be that I have not found the person I am looking for. Iam not saying that I deserve the best or that I am too good. I dont mean that. The quality that I look for in a woman is honesty. Honesty in the sense that, if she makes a mistake she should have the moral courage to own up. I know I can live with a woman who despite being full of faults have this trait. But I would never be able to stand someone who despite my knowing that she has been unfaithful denies it (I would rather she own up and everything would be bygones). That is the childishness that I cannot shake off.

so friends while I work my ass off through out the whole week with 'One Eyed Jack' you guys have some jooly good fun.

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