Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Cowboy from Hell and his Muse!

By Seikholen Thomsong

(Read this satirical take-on the US president and the various nincompoops who compel him to bring untold miseries to innocents all over the world. The Rogue Club- the exclusive club of North Korea, Iran etc- is doing well and managing its quota of news-space. The world at large is a circus where the Don Quixote like cowboy from hell -a small suburb of Texas- comes to town riding his Brahmin donkey. So we sing in chorus, “Preacher-man, don’t tell me heaven is on the Earth!” Meanwhile, Lord Mayor Sancho Panza in the UK charges his party and the state exchequer for the hairstyle the lady of the house takes in some 'up-market snobbish stiff upper-lipped fashionable hub' where the shallow and selfish in-crowds congregate)

Dubya-man sometime falters in his speech. Tongue-tied and at a loss for words he would come up with some funny words hitherto not featured in any lexicon printed in the history of literature anywhere in the world. May we kindly suggest he cleanses his tongue every morning as he brushes his teeth- the mucus is so thick it proves hazardous on his speech thereby making it slurred. We would remember him for his swashbuckling, revolver spinning cowherd on a donkey image charging into nations smaller and weaker than his own. (Ooops Don Quixote at least had a horse).

Also the penchant for a Preacher-man like zeal to brand countries that he wants to invade as ‘Rogue Nations’. He resembles a preacher man who would scare the shit out of his Sunday morning congregation that rapture is around the corner and thus people should part with their worldly belongings or fulfill favors owed to him. He resembles some of the preachers many centuries ago, who in order to make it with someone’s wife would say the devil is in her and ask some time to be alone with her to drive it out. The wily preacheralways ended up satiating the devil of his sexual lust instead. The husband never the wiser, is in fact a lot happier because the devil seems to actually have left the soul of his wife and a child duly arrives.

Cowboy from Hell:
His Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD) sure had the world in splits. No lie was more funny and more tragic (at least to the Iraqis and maybe Natwar Singh) than that. He then shifted his gaze to Pyongyang and Teheran perhaps imagining he is a modern day Alexander of Macedonia who is the master of all he surveys, with senior Bush, ala King Philip, saying, “My son, ask for thyself another kingdom for which I leave is too small for thee!”

Except for Pyongyang, the others including Venezuela have one thing in common- vast reserves of natural fuel; petroleum. So when some academics termed the ‘Bush Wars’ as Oil Wars, we can say that held some truth. His background as a Texan industrialist makes it all the more interesting to observe the biases of his policies.

Call him Zorro, call him Django or call him Dubyaman, he is an uncouth clown riding on the back of an ass- the American public. He invaded Iraq and toppled Saddam. The ass went all out convincing itself that Dubya is getting rid of some one who is a threat to world peace (interpret this as American hegemony on economy and politics of nations) by invading the playground of an impotent senile old fool in the deserts of Mesopotamia. It was an achievement that led him to move one step ahead of his father's achievements. He completed a work left unfinished by the senior Bush. His obsessions and subsequent actions resembles that of a child looking for the approval of his strong and domineering father. The father it seems is aloof, exacting and never approving of his son’s standings, achievements or rather the lack of it. An Indian doctor writing from the USA for the magazine – Cam News Network- a not so obscure publication of Delhi had mentioned the state of what seem to be Dubya’s mentality arising out of peculiar childhood situations.

Failure of the American people:
It was sad that the American citizenry (its public) could let him do it and get away with it. So we call it “the Ass”. It would not have been a surprise had the US been a country that had maximum of its people illiterate or say, was subjugated by a tyrant or a dictator who does what he wishes. His actions are things that are possible in Hitler's Germany or Mussolini's Italy. The citizens of the most advanced nation stood watching as their chief executive fed them lies that convinced them to invade a country and even die for it. It was more of the failure of the American electorate than the success of Bush and his cohorts. America is supposed to be the haven and champion of liberty and other lofty ideals. So how can a people so conscious of political liberty and equality sit by and watch their state steal away the political rights of another nation and its citizens, Saddam’s misrule notwithstanding. The action was neither political nor strategic but more influenced by economic and personal considerations. We have seen the restructuring of infrastructure by private companies, control of oil-wells and indirect ways of influencing the cost of fuel everywhere. The contracts doled out to interested parties from allies of the US of the invasion stands as proof.

Eye-ran and its cracker factory:
The focus now shifts to Iran, its extra right wing ruling party and its alleged resource of nuclear fireworks. History shows that the Iranians have no love lost for America and the west- remember the hostage taking situation in an embassy and other acts of defiance. Except maybe for a handful of people of Iranian origin who lives in the USA e.g. Andre Agassi or some other. It would do its best to embarrass the US or else at least be seen as a tough state that would never bow before it. The nuclear programme which the Iranians pursue has plunged the region into political mess all the more. Iran would never kowtow to the wishes of a state like the US. There is so much at stake for both the players, national pride not being the least of them. At the same time it is playing into the hands of the bully who is out to squash the world under his feet. The American believes in just one justice- American justice and just one view of world peace that is the importance of American interests above all else. It has just one group of citizen - American citizens.

Lee-Ling the Stinking Chink and the Mad Cow from Libya:
Kim would be gleefully prancing around in his bunkers with all his playmates. The club of the rogues is alive and kicking and garnering so much news-space. Fellow members waste no opportunity to stand up to the bully. For some nations the significance of standing up to US is worth a decimation of its citizens, its polity, its army or the whole of its socio-politico-economic fibre. That is the level of hatred generated by America. The history sheet of the US may not be as white as snow in context of interference in various countries of the world. Vietnam happened followed by Afghanistan.

The alleged pedophilic in Libya had his hideouts bombed. Then we saw Lockerbie etc. He would join the chorus again soon. It would be a welcome change to his fading significance and popularity in the Arab world. Maybe he would introduce a new dance step or two. Is it Belly dancing, a rock’n roll or the sultry salsa, Mr. Qaddafi?

Till then keep reading the newspapers and keep visiting blogosphere for updates on the pantomime and its repertoire of clown acts. Who knows I might have been driven so insane and had become one of the clowns in this circus act which stupid jaundice eyed people calls life? Find out! If you can’t find the answer maybe you need to take a rain check on your mentality and yes- your misery.

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