Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's In A Small "i"?

The Times Of India is a trendsetter of sorts. By the Top Boss's decree (perhaps) all writers of the the newspaper have started addressing themselves in print in the small case "i".
It remains to be seen if it brings a change in the self concepts of writers, journalists and editors as some of them are known to have the biggest of egoes. No names specified!
Me thinks it is just some fad. Whether yours truly addresses himself in print in small "i" or I, it hardly makes any difference in his self concept. If he had been a humble natured guy he would remain so. And if he is some ego bloated out of proportion would a small "i" in print change him?
Till then, the likes of Bacchi, Jug and the lots can say to their boss, "What a fine idea!" and laugh their way to the bank encashing their fat pay cheques.
Allowing the mind to drift and getting into one of those philosophical moodswings dont you think the more things change the more they stay the same or so they say.
Looking at the course our lives take, one often wonders what it is all about! Whether it is at the job front or personal life, we have so many uncherished dreams and so many wishes that it at times run contradictory to the very choices of lives we have made.
Professionally, I am yet to find a man who is completely satisfied with his job. I couldnt say the same thing about personal lives because I am not an expert on the subject and also my experiences count to much little looking around at the sea of life around me.
Some Sage said, " happiness is a state of mind" . I hardly knew what it meant first time I heard. I guess we have to consciously work on it as we grow older.

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