Monday, April 13, 2009

The Joke that is Elections in India

I came back after a tiring day of training, switched on the Idiot Box hopin to keep myself updated.I was disgusted. Almost all the news channels showed reporters discussin the age of Sonia, LK, Modi, Rahul or Priyanka with them. I mean were there no better issues than that, elections being so near?

Modi, to give him his due, referred to the Congress party when he commented on the 125 or so yrs of age. I doubt if it was on the part of Priyanka, a skillful deflection of the reference to the INC to herself to belittle Modi. If so then her spin doctors deserve a praise.If not then they deserve to be sacked.

All said and done, where the hell have all the important issues gone? Is this election going to be fought and won on the plank of whether Priyanka is old or whether LK or Modi is young? I mean look what these people are taking the voters for. These politicians make us all seem like morons who will cast (e) our votes for some emotions or cash year after year.Therein lies our fault as voters too.
Journalists trivialises news. They, having direct access to these people, should have instigated them to talk about issues instead. This explains the quality of our reporters or their bosses who look for some sensational soundbytes to increase viewership.

Sad will be the day when journos and TV channels make politicians talk about the colour or size of their chaddis on the eve of elections. Politicians we all have seen each of them.


  1. I think that we have all chosen as a nation to be taken for a ride by these clowns .

    I am not the one to sit and crib about the whole circus , lets change ourselves .

  2. Rightly said. Change has to start with self. Hoping sooner or later we start making them more accountable.

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