Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Patriotic People of Shillong

Never been to Shillong though I always heard about the place from friends, relatives and colleagues who had seen that place!

So when my Regional Manager asked if I would want to go there I grasped the opportunity.

Arriving at Shillong, the place reminds me of Kohima where i had spent some good time, off and on, with friends and relatives over the years. The climate and the weather is the same. Many a young broken hearts often compared the weather here to an unpredictable woman's heart. It shines in the morning and drizzles in the afternoon. Once you are here you never want to leave. Oh did i just borrow a few lines from the song Hotel California by the Eagles?

What struck me was the patriotism of the people of Meghalaya. The signboard on the bank said, "ka statebank ka india" which interpreted into kuki means, "My Statebank My India". similarly all the neon signs and billboards said the same thing. Man, I am proud we have so many nationalists and patriots in so many remote corners of the country.

Friends at Shillong might mind i call them remote. Hey, its not because i consider them backward but owing to geographical conditions only.

Till we meet again enjoy yourselves dude meanwhile iam dragging out my wife for a thabal chongba at ARC Happy Valley!!!!

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